era | it's Your Time

The year ticks by and time passes.
It makes me think about the time it takes to design and build architecture
Particularly the expectations of people who embark on the journey

How long does it take?
I t t a k e s t i m e


It takes time to gather information, to put all of the information together and to build architecture that will work for you in every way it can.
It takes time to to understand the problem and interpret a solution.
It takes time to consider all of the options and see the best one that will work for you.
It takes time to put all of the parts together in a practical solution that also holds the beauty that makes it special and specific to you.

t i m e
I once heard someone say that in the entire length of time from beginning to end, you should spend two thirds of that time designing and planning before you put your spade in the ground.
t i m e

It can take a while to get to a point where you are ready to commit to design and build architecture. You just want to get started!
And then someone tells you that there are lots more things to do to get there.
It can be frustrating because you just want to get to the end and to live in the architecture you have been dreaming of.
But it is not just about the outcome, it is also the process that will be specific to you. The way you travel through will affect the experience you have.
The process you choose will affect the every day moments in the journey to reach your end goal.

‘Time is free, but it is priceless.
You can't own it, but you can use it.'


a little way to help you find your architecture

Before you jump in and start digging, take the time to make a plan for the process you will follow to reach your end goal.
It doesn't have to be every little detail, but try to have an idea about how things will unfold.

m a k e a p l a n .

If you can get your head around what you can do and can't do, what your constraints are, what you want and what you don't, it can help you put together a plan that will suit you.
Look at your own skillset.
What can you offer, what do you want to do and what aren't you keen on?

Look at what you are missing.
What do you need help with and who could help you?
Take a look at your place.
Is there anything about your place that would make it tricky to build there?
Think about your budget.
How much do you have to spend?
Think about your time frame.
When would you like everything to be done?

Is there a process you are aware of that fits all of your answers?
Happy days! You are on your way!
If not, have a chat with someone who can run you through the options to help you find the one that is right for you.

It won't be a short journey - it will take time - so before you begin, give some thought to how you will go about making your way through.
It could make all the difference to you.

‘A goal without a plan is just a wish.' ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPERY | Writer

Til next time